At ITTStar, We take pride in our partnership with AWS and the high-quality NOC services we offer to businesses. As an AWS partner, we have access to the latest and most innovative solutions in cloud computing, allowing us to provide cutting-edge NOC services to our clients. Our NOC services are designed to provide a centralized facility for IT support technicians to monitor, control, and maintain customer connections. We understand the critical nature of incident management, network fault identification and resolution, and data security to ensure smooth network operations, reduce downtime, and protect businesses against network attacks.

Our NOC Service Offering Includes

Tier 1 Support:

Our Tier 1 team is responsible for handling basic support inquiries, monitoring alerts, and escalating issues to the next level as necessary. They are available 24/7 to provide quick and efficient support to keep your cloud infrastructure running smoothly.

Tier 2 Support:

Our Tier 2 team provides more advanced support than Tier 1 and is responsible for troubleshooting and resolving more complex issues that cannot be resolved at Tier 1. They have in-depth knowledge of cloud technologies and can quickly identify and resolve issues.

Tier 3 Support:

Our Tier 3 team provides the highest level of support and is responsible for handling the complex issues that cannot be resolved at Tier 2. They work on root cause analysis and provide recommendations to improve your cloud infrastructure.

Operations Manager:

Our Operations Manager is responsible for managing the NOC team and ensuring that we meet service level agreements (SLAs). They work with other teams, such as development and engineering, to ensure that your cloud infrastructure and services are running smoothly.

Subject Matter Experts (SME's):

Our SME's are experts in specific technologies or services and are responsible for providing guidance and support to the NOC team. They are often called in to help with complex issues or to provide specialized knowledge.

Project Managers:

Our Project Managers are responsible for managing specific projects related to your cloud infrastructure or services. They work with the NOC team to ensure that the projects are completed on time, within budget and meet the required quality standards.

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Allied Worldwide

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Schwinghammer Lighting Companies

Transitioning from On-Premises to the AWS Cloud

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At ITTStar, We Are Committed to Providing the Highest Level of Support and Management for Your Cloud Infrastructure. Contact Us Today to Learn More about How We Can Help You Optimize Your Cloud Environment.

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